Bring Indoor Gardening to Classrooms

Whether you’re teaching classrooms filled with students or your own children, grandchildren, or youth in an after-school club, LED Habitat and the LED Habitat Pro provide just the right light for learning with plants.

Educational Gardens
Educational Gardens

Using a Habitat, students from pre-K to high school ages can:

  • explore and learn how plants grow and reproduce,
  • conduct experiments and independent research projects,
  • develop connections with plants and the natural world, and
  • benefit from the healthful affects of living with plants and soil.

LED Habitats support the light requirements of Wisconsin Fast Plants™, a rapid-growing plant often used in teaching with plants and student experiments. Habitat Seed Mats—easy-to-plant biodegradable mats with embedded seeds—make planting easy for everyone, including youngsters and seniors with limited dexterity.

“Research published in 2008 in the Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science showed that greening select high school classrooms with potted plants significantly reduced the students’ visits to the school’s infirmary compared with the number of visits by students attending classes in rooms without plants.” —Mother Earth News, December 2015 / January 2016